A group of people holding up white crosses.

Building an Effective Team

As the owner of a private veterinary practice, the doctor is not only in charge of caring for patients, but must also assemble the best team to keep up with the needs of their clients. But in a time when the country is experiencing a shortage of veterinarians and vet techs, how should a practice…

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A man with his tongue out licking the nose of a dog.

Job Market Outlook for Veterinarians

Last month I wrote about the ongoing national shortage of veterinarians and how to keep your clinic running while understaffed. This week, I’d like to look further at the job market outlook for veterinarians. A recent article by U.S. News and World Report scores the veterinary profession at a 7.5 /10, ranking it the #5 in Best…

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A hand pointing to the word choices on a blue background

Making Your Clinic Stand Out to Candidates

The national shortage of veterinarians is expected to grow in the next decade. As more clinics are looking for more doctors to meet their patient needs, the veterinarians are increasingly getting the upper hand when it comes to negotiating an offer and deciding where to work. One recent study shows the average associate veterinarian will…

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A red background with white puzzle pieces and the word mentoring.

Mentorship in the Veterinary Industry

As a new class of veterinary students gets ready to graduate this spring, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance of mentorship in the veterinary field. It’s no secret that there is a national shortage of veterinary doctors, and that trend is expected to continue with the limited number of students…

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A woman smiling with two dogs on her lap.

Veterinary Staff Shortage

There is currently a shortage of about 5,000 veterinarians in the United States, and that number is expected to grow to 15,000 by the year 2030. Many blame the shortage on the expense of veterinary school and the challenges and stresses doctors face once they are on the job. The staffing shortage even goes beyond…

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A green banner with the letters ovn and the words recruiting and recruiting.

Re-Introduction of DVM Services

With the new year under way, I thought it would be a good time to reintroduce DVM Consulting and Recruiting Services and explain how we can be of help to veterinarians and veterinary clinics. With 30 years of experience, DVM Consulting and Recruiting Services specializes in matching veterinarians with clinics across the country. We work…

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A hand is holding a marker and drawing people.

Bad Hires Hurt Business

Talent makes or breaks an organization. However, that doesn’t help anybody after a bad hire’s been made. Bad hires mean nothing but trouble for you and your organization. Of course, bad hires lead to wasted money. There’s the lost productivity during the hiring process, the cost of training the new hire, and the cost of…

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A man is standing in front of many post it notes

Prioritizing At Work

Do you ever feel you have too much on your plate? With technology now you can be in multiple places at once, without even leaving your office. And multitasking is not seen as a skillset, it’s a necessity. That means knowing how to prioritize your many tasks is a must. Feel lost when it comes…

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A wreath with the words happy holidays written in gold.

Don’t Put A Hold On Recruiting During The Holidays

‘Tis the season for holiday cheer, vacations, and a more relaxed attitude at work. But putting the task of recruiting new staff on hold for the holidays is often a mistake made by business owners. Here’s why… First, if you’ve already begun the process of recruiting for a specific position, putting the search on hold…

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A neon sign that says you 're a big part of all we do.

Show Your Staff Appreciation

Show your staff appreciation There seems to be an appreciation day for nearly everyone in your life. In fact, Boss’s Day was just on October 17. Did you know that National Employee Appreciation Day is recognized the first Friday of each March? Why wait for one day a year to show your employees your appreciation?…

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A dictionary page with the word work ethic under it.

Work Ethic

Like technology, work ethic seems to change from generation to generation. Advances in engineering, computers and the like make the work done by humans easier. Thus, it’s not unusual that those improvements lead to a downgrade in how hard some feel they need to work. How can clinic owners promote a stronger work ethic among…

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A chalkboard with different colored sticky notes on it.


https://www.topcv.com/career-advice/satisfied-at-current-job   It’s one thing to feel comfortable at work, but it’s a better thing to feel satisfied by it. But how do you know which emotion you’re feeling? TopCV.com has six ways to determine job satisfaction: On Sunday night you’re not dreading going to work the next day You can see a clear path…

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A clock and some pencils on the table

Work/Life Balance Cycle = Job Satisfaction

Work/life balance has been a buzzworthy topic in recent years. Gone are the days when employees feel like they must answer every email right away – whether day or night – or cater to every work request. These days, workers seek out an employer who recognizes that getting the most out of their staff means…

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A person holding a megaphone with the word " hiring " in front of them.

The Biggest Thing Companies Forget When Hiring

You already know how important hiring is for your organization. Without a steady stream of fresh talent coming in, no organization can keep up with the competition. Beyond that, you already know the most important things to look for in the right candidate: skills fit, experience, etc. But what’s the number one thing companies overlook…

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