
Discover Our Opinions About Recruitment

Recruitment within the veterinary industry poses a number of unique challenges. New data shows there simply aren’t enough veterinarians to fill the positions available in practice or to serve the number of clients who want care for their animals. With many practitioners seeking to retire in coming years, and shifts in the supply-and-demand ratios of talent, a serious nationwide hiring crunch has resulted.

Further, many veterinary practices have not changed their staffing procedures, making it difficult to keep up and address these shifts in demand. This gap constitutes a serious risk to public safety, not only to pets and their owners, but the population at large. This is despite the continued need in the market for, and desirability of practicing veterinary medicine.

DVM Recruiting Services is intimately acquainted with these challenges. Our experts will help you navigate this shifting talent landscape, and tailor our veterinarian sourcing based on your practice’s unique needs. Whether you’re looking to retire and potentially sell your practice, or if you’re looking to staff up to increase efficiency and address growing demand, we guarantee that we’ll find a match. Contact us to learn more about how DVM can help.


A doctor is surrounded by many people at the table.

Burnout Among Veterinarians

Burnout in the veterinary profession is alarmingly high. Just take a look at these numbers cited in a recent AVMA article: Nearly 82% of veterinarians report low to medium burnout  61% experience high levels of exhaustion, significantly higher than the 32% reported by the general population  17.3% of veterinarians up to 34 years of age experience…
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Emotional Vs. Intellectual Decision Making With Job Offers

How do you react when you receive a job offer? Do you jump at the first offer? Do you take your time to negotiate? Do you make a pros and cons list to figure out whether that job is even a good fit for you?   Behavioral scientists have long researched how and why people…
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Your Employee’s Psychological Needs- What it Means for Your Hiring Process

At the most basic level, every practice is made up of people who come to work each with their own physical and psychological needs. Ignoring these needs leads to an unmotivated and unengaged work force but making efforts to meet these needs in the workplace gives you the best chance to get the best work…
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Chalkboard sign: Invest in your people.

Invest In Your Vets!

Do you have a full staff but wonder how you can get the most out of them while making your clinic a place where they want to show up and do the best job every day? The answer is to invest in your veterinary associates and technicians, and not just by giving them a fair…
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Diverse group holding colorful puzzle pieces.

The Importance of Working Team Engagement into your Practice

Running a successful veterinary practice requires more than medical expertise. Effective business strategy and strong employee engagement are essential for sustainable growth and delivering high-quality patient care.   While the focus on business operations is crucial, many practice owners overlook a critical aspect: engaging with their team. This gap can impact not only customer satisfaction…
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Closeup of a microphone on a stand.

DVM Consulting and Recruiting Services Now Proudly Offering a College Liaison

You may already be aware of this, but recruitment of veterinary students can begin as early as years two or three in vet school. Usually, large corporate-owned practices have connections to get access to students on campus, but often there’s little or no representation of privately owned clinics. This is why I am excited to…
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Smiling face with "Positive Culture" text.

Actions Independent Veterinary Practice Owners Can Take to Prosper

Independent veterinary practice ownership can be professionally, financially, and personally rewarding. However, competing in the evolving industry landscape comes with challenges. Here are three keys to building and maintaining a successful independent veterinary practice:   1.      Create a Positive Culture Communicate effectively – Use tools like Slack, email, or group messages for quick information, but address personal…
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Bar chart showing projected employment growth.

The Veterinary Technician Shortage – The Current Market and How to Recruit Candidates

With the nationwide veterinary technician shortage, there are plenty of open positions and candidates eager to fill them. Wondering how your clinic can recruit and retain the best candidates? Read along for some information on the market and strategies to attract vet techs in today’s industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there…
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Dog being examined by vet with stethoscope.

Hiring Experienced Veterinarians vs. Recent Graduates

Are you looking to add a new veterinarian to your team but are unsure whether a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate would be better? There are definite pros and cons to both options. Read along to determine which level of experience would best fit your clinic’s needs.   Hiring an experienced veterinarian means having…
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Injured pets waiting at the vet.

The Future Supply of Veterinarians and Its Impact on the Workforce Over the Next Decade

The growing shortage of veterinarians is expected to continue to escalate over the next decade. A recent study commissioned by the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) has thrown a spotlight on the looming problem. Here are some highlights:   By 2032, the U.S. projected need of 70,092 additional veterinarians. The surge in demand…
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