Performance Improvement Plan


Employee performance is one of the most impactful factors that determine how successful a business is, including medical practices. However, if employees are struggling to meet performance expectations, a performance improvement plan (PIP) may be necessary to guide employees to improvement in a clear, measurable way.


The most important components of a PIP are:


  • Outline the expectations clearly and specifically, explaining how this will take shape in the employee’s role.
  •  Point out the areas where the employee is falling short to call attention to the problem areas and understand the weak points.
  •  Communicate! Establish a respectful dialogue with the employee and listen to their point of view.
  • Set measurable goals to reach by the end of the PIP so that improvement can be tracked.
  • Clearly explain the consequences of not achieving the PIP goals so the employee has full awareness of what will happen if they are not successful.
  • Put the PIP in writing so that you and your employee can access it throughout the duration of the plan and check on progress.
  • Guide the employee to any necessary training or other resources to reach their PIP goals.
  • Check in with the employee regularly, providing feedback when necessary and encouragement throughout the process.


Of course, this is a fluid process. Maintaining an open dialogue with your employee is of the utmost importance, as you may need to adjust the plan or discuss any other issues that come up. In the end, the PIP will allow you to determine if the employee is fit to continue at your practice. Documenting everything clearly will allow for a truthful, measurable process that will lead to the improved success of the business.