Emotional Vs. Intellectual Decision Making With Job Offers

How do you react when you receive a job offer? Do you jump at the first offer? Do you take your time to negotiate? Do you make a pros and cons list to figure out whether that job is even a good fit for you?
Behavioral scientists have long researched how and why people make decisions. Studies show emotions play a big role, both positively and negatively. Emotions can block rational thinking, in turn leaving out intellectual factors necessary when processing decisions.
There are strategies you should consider when making any big decision, including where you want to work, or in the case of a clinic owner, who you want to hire. Information about how emotions affect the boss are below. First, let’s take a look at the issue when it comes to the job candidate.
How can you be less emotional and more intellectual when it comes to deciding what to do about your next job offer? Consider the following tips featured in Forbes magazine:
- Stop and focus on the rationale for why you are making this decision, including the root emotional cause behind it.
- Identify alternative options to the decision you are making because doing so could maximize your choices and end up in a greater outcome.
- Avoid making decisions while tired or stressed and be mindful when considering the options to reach that decision to prevent acting impulsively.
- Consider the consequences of your decision, both good and bad.
- Commit to the decision you make and be sure all parties involved agree to it.
In other words, don’t rush to accept the first offer you get, even if it feels like the right one. By waiting a little longer, you are leaving yourself open to receiving a better offer from the prospective practice, or you could find another clinic that is a better fit.
Emotions play a role in the decision-making process for clinic owners, too. There is a natural bias when hiring as one tends to feel more connected to a candidate who is like her/himself – whether it’s because you graduated from the same school or went through similar training. However, hiring someone who is different from you can be beneficial because the associate can bring new ways of working and offer diverse solutions. Another intellectual component to consider when deciding on whether to hire a candidate – be open to different levels of experience. While candidates with more years on the job bring solid examples of past actions, less experienced candidates usually bring a level of drive and enthusiasm that may result in better productivity.
Using the right recruiting service takes out the guesswork when making a hiring decision. My team has experience in finding the right candidates for our clients, resulting in an 88 percent success rate in the first 90 days of recruitment. If you would like to know more about us, I’d be happy to talk with you.