DVM Consulting and Recruiting Services Now Proudly Offering a College Liaison

You may already be aware of this, but recruitment of veterinary students can begin as early as years two or three in vet school. Usually, large corporate-owned practices have connections to get access to students on campus, but often there’s little or no representation of privately owned clinics. This is why I am excited to announce the addition of a college liaison to our team.
Through this position, DVM Consulting and Recruiting Services is making connections with veterinary colleges across the country – even internationally – to create opportunities to meet and network with prospective doctors who are at the early stages of considering what path to take in their future careers.
We let these veterinary students know what options they have upon graduating by explaining the ins and outs of private vs. corporate practices. We also let them know what to look for when being recruited and going on interviews.
For example, our college liaison goes into detail about getting to know the personality of a veterinary office and the people already working there to see if it fits with their own personality and work ethic. In addition to personality, we encourage them to look at the practice as a whole and consider what opportunities for additional training and advancement would be offered to them.
If you’re interested in learning more about where our college liaison is going and who he is meeting with, give me a call and I’ll explain the process and how we can make it work for you.
I can also help you find an experienced associate to join your team. I’ve been in the recruiting business for more than 30 years, and since 2020, I have submitted 575 veterinarians to 236 privately owned clinics. I understand the special requirements of finding the right doctor for private practices, and my team has consistently put our method to work for our clients, resulting in an 88 percent success rate in presenting quality candidates within the first 90 days of the recruitment process. Allow me the chance to explain how we can find the right match for you and your team.