Attracting and Retaining Millennial Veterinary Professionals



As the veterinary industry grows, there has been a shift of millennials taking over leadership roles. Maneuvering this change means understanding what millennials in the veterinary workforce are looking for so that your practice can recruit the best fitting employees.


When trying to recruit more millennial veterinary professionals, it is important to keep these things in mind, as covered in an article published by the staffing company, Pulivarthi Group:


  1. Rather than trying to fit millennials into your existing veterinary framework, take the opportunity to adapt your practice to the changing industry. Look into newer technologies, for example, and try to meet your potential millennial recruits where they are. Recognize that new generations bring new ideas and skills into the veterinary industry.
  2. Show them that you care about wellbeing. Millennials place a high importance in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and it is crucial to let potential recruits know that the job will offer support and balance. The AVMA offers many wellbeing resources that can help your practice put these initiatives into action.
  3. Millennials seek growth in the workplace. Let them know that you will provide opportunities for development, whether through a mentorship program, industry skill building, additional training, or opportunities for feedback.


Millennial recruits are looking for a team environment where they can thrive and grow. It is important that your practice reflects this goal, and that you position yourself in a way to be attractive to this newly powerful generation.


That’s where a recruiting service that specializes in veterinarians becomes essential. Allow me to explain how my team has earned an 88 percent success rate in bringing quality candidates to our clients.