Increasing Efficiency and Salaries to Retain Employees

Veterinary practices across the country are looking for ways to keep their employees happy in an effort to keep them on staff, as there appears to be no end in sight to the shortage of veterinarians that has been plaguing the industry for years. The AVMA recently published an article about what some practices are doing to buck that shortage – they are increasing salaries and putting plans in place to increase efficiency in order to prevent attrition.
According to the article, a 2022 study of more than 760 clinic owners reported 86% had given their staff raises in the previous year. Many also encouraged implementing bonus and wellness plans as a way of increasing retention.
When it comes to increasing efficiency, the article suggests clinics should be better at using technology for the practice to run more smoothly. Reportedly, less than 50% of practices are putting online appointment scheduling tools, inventory control, and telehealth visits to use. Furthermore, the study shows that clinics that restructure their facilities to have a more efficient design increase productivity. Finally, making the investment to retrain your staff or help them further their education will benefit your clinic on both the administrative and medical sides.
Are you looking to add to your team? I’d appreciate the opportunity to explain how my staff has earned an 88% success rate in providing quality candidates.. I look forward to hearing from you.