Creating a Positive Workplace Culture in Veterinary Practices

We often make personal resolutions at the start of a new year, and some may apply this practice to their professional lives. This year, if you have resolved to create a more positive workplace culture, you’ll want to pay attention to the following tips:
- Determine the mission of your practice – Do you have a mission statement? Even animal clinics need a clear vision or purpose. Put it in writing and hang it up in your reception area so that every client and staff member knows your ultimate goal and how you work to achieve it. Make sure to include the core values of your clinic.
- Describe your practice – Separate from the mission statement, think of a few words to describe your practice. This is a reflective exercise to help you set the tone for the culture you want to establish. For example, are you looking to provide a friendly environment? Are you using innovative treatments? By coming up with a handful of adjectives to describe your practice, you will narrow down the tone you want to set for your staff and clients.
- Empower your employees – Begin by communicating with your staff your mission statement, core values, and the words you’ve decided to use to describe your practice. Work with them to come up with ways to achieve these goals. That can include setting up a mentorship between senior and junior doctors and technicians, holding regular reviews or check-ins, and even promoting and supporting continuing education and training.
Remember to incorporate fun ways to support your team, as well, because all work and no play could lead to a negative environment. If planning social engagements or team building experiences is not your expertise, consider having a staff member or a committee come up with regular ways to engage your team and create a place where they are happy to work and achieve the goals of the practice.
If you have questions about this topic or would like to talk about bringing in new doctors or staff, give me a call and I will tell you how my team has earned an 88% success rate in bringing quality candidates to our clients within the first 90 days of the recruitment process.