How to Write Compelling Job Descriptions for Veterinary Positions

I’m a firm believer that job ads do not work, but if you believe you need to run an ad, here are some helpful tips. The key to having a successful job listing isn’t just where you place it – it’s what you’re including in it:
- Specific title – Be sure to list the exact job title you are trying to fill – whether it’s an associate veterinarian, veterinary nurse, veterinary technician, part-time associate veterinarian, office manager, etc.
- Catchy opening – Just like a news article, you want to keep your reader’s attention beyond the first sentence so make that first sentence count. Use active adjectives to describe the position or candidate you are looking for: Dynamic veterinarian experienced in working with household pets of all sizes; Cooperative veterinary nurse able to assist doctors as well as lead team of technicians; Office manager able to run busy veterinary office keeping up with schedules, clients, medical staff, and keeping books. Another way to get the applicant’s attention is to start the listing with a question: Do you dream about going to work each day in a friendly animal clinic where doctors, nurses, and technicians work together to provide top notch care for their patients? Or: Have you identified what makes the ideal workplace? Allow us the opportunity to show you how our clinic can make your dream job a reality.
- Sell yourself – Next, it’s time to tell the potential candidate why they should apply to your job listing. Don’t be afraid to list the qualities that make your clinic a standout. After all, if you don’t brag about your practice who else will? Also consider listing why your practice is in an ideal location, why the hours can’t be beat, or any other quality that makes your clinic unique.
- Give clear directions – Here is where you tell the applicant how to apply for the job and what to expect once the application has been submitted.
- Proofread – Make sure you run the ad through spellcheck, or better yet, have someone else in the office take a look at it to make sure it’s grammatically correct, there are no misspellings, and most of all, it is an accurate job description.
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