Job Ads Not Working? – Here’s Why

How do you advertise an opening in your clinic? Do you write a “Help Wanted” ad with the job title, description, and your contact information and place the ad on a job site? What results have you seen? If you haven’t had success recently with candidates responding to an ad, it might be that your ad isn’t getting the job done.
In this age of social media posts and streaming videos, traditional ads aren’t delivering like they used to. Websites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed are good places to post an opening and recruit, both near you and outside of your area. What you include in these ads is key to getting attention and good candidates.
Here are some reasons lists for why ads might not be working:
Too Vague – Generic ads can leave too many questions about the position, making it less effective. Be specific with the job title and give a lot of details about the responsibilities. In addition, be creative in how you describe those duties, especially if you’re trying to reach younger veterinary associates or technicians who are accustomed to living in a fast-paced digital world.
Posted in the Wrong Places – Equally important to what you post is where you post. Think about where your target applicant is looking at job openings and post there. For example, if you are interested in hiring someone straight out of veterinary school, be sure to advertise on college websites or through their job fairs. But if you want a senior veterinarian, you want to post the job listing on a more established job board.
Not Visually Appealing – Job seekers don’t want to spend a lot of time reading an ad that looks like a book. Create an ad that grabs attention at first sight. Use photos, videos, bullet points, etc. to make your ad appealing and easy to read.
Doesn’t Give Directions – If you don’t include directions on how to apply, you won’t get any applicants. Be sure to provide step by step directions on how to submit an application.
Lost Among Other Ads – Even the best written ads can get overlooked when there are hundreds - or thousands - of jobs posted. Find a way to stand out visually. Also consider paying extra for better ad placement.
If you need even more help with hiring, and your job ads are still not working after an overhaul, consider hiring a recruiter. I would appreciate the opportunity to show you how my team has earned a 93 percent success rate in providing qualified candidates to our clients within the first 90 days of the recruitment process.