What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

We at DVM Consulting Recruiting Services are humbled by the feedback we have received from our clients throughout the years. It is our privilege to serve them and provide them with outstanding veterinary professionals to enhance their practices.
At this time, I would like to share with you what some of our clients are saying about us:
“I cannot say enough good things about DVM Consulting and Recruiting service. You really just have to trust in the process. Megan is determined and very thorough, very professional and tactful. Megan interviewed me to really get to know us, understand our practice culture, and find out exactly what we were looking for in a candidate. I must say, the two candidates she found for us, were a good fit. We have made offers to two, one has signed, and we expect the second Dr to this week. It did take about 4 months, but I was very optimistic, and each week I was excited to hear where we were in the process. I will definitely use them again, should we have the need. Megan really seemed to have a vested interest in helping us, that went beyond her being paid to do a job. The cost is so worth it.” – Dr. Julie
“There is no way we could have found these veterinarians without you; we just could not have done it.” – Dr. Dana
“Leslie is the best recruiter. Totally impressed with her professionalism and skills. You cannot go wrong with Leslie. Results speak for themselves.” – Dr. Kevin
“You just get it. I listen to other recruiters, and they don’t have a clue. Your professionalism and hard work speak for itself.” - Dr. Michael
“I sleep better at night knowing you are working for me.” – Dr. Sam
“At the outset of our relationship, I was skeptical that your methods would be any more successful than previous recruiters, but your team has been far superior to anyone else we have used.” – Dr. Travis
“Martha is a great person to work with and has been extremely helpful any time I have a question about anything.” -Dr. Anna
Give us a chance to find the veterinarians to complete your practice and find out for yourself why we have a 93 percent success rate in bringing qualified candidates to our clients.
Jeffrey Audette